Mission is possible in Albania»Dita e Veres« 2025 This
time it was about a meeting of the Blessing Albania network in Tirana,
1.) 5 Keys, to reach your Country
Visit in November 2024 Sunday Service 24th November 2024 in Qendra Kristiane e Durresit
A meeting on Sunday afternoon, November 24, in Peqin, together with Pastor Ali Kurti and some friends.
The principle of two or three Parimi i dy ose tre
The Via Egnatia Leaders Retreat 2024 From Tuesday, March 12 to Saturday, March 16 Here are the recordings of these blessed days:
The Gathering: May 30 to June 2 in Germany Do you know what it looks like when something is
fused? Because if we are merged with the image of his death, we will
also be merged with his resurrection life. (Rom 6:5) All details, registrations and records of
previous meetings can be
Via Egnatia - Treasure Egnatia - Next steps Rrogozhina
| Lagja nr 2 rruga e peqinit, banesa nr
20 Saturday 11.11.2023, from 11 am to
6 pm with a lunch in between It was worth to take this time! The rainbow, the sign of the immutable covenant that God has made with us through Jesus Christ, was the welcome that morning in Rrogozhina. Listen to the recording of this blessed meeting:
Here is the link to the recording as mp3: https://bit.ly/rrogozhina
Here you can find the recordings of these two days in Fushë-Kruja: As mp3 and mp4
This meeting is another strategic piece of the puzzle for the release of
the Body of the Ekklesia in Albania. It follows the steps that have
already been taken. Only those who overcome will receive the crown of victory (1 John 5:4).
I am happy to see you, together with my fatherly friend Ali Kurti,
radio7 produced a short broadcast from an interview from July 1, 2023, with Peter Ischka.
What a week in
Albania! I had 16 meetings with leaders
during the week (16-22, Jan 23), five of which were church services
where I was able to share a message. This time started with a nice
evening with my fatherly friend Ali Kurti. I shared a spacious
(inexpensive) apartment with George Markakis just a minute from the
Stephens Center where many meetings were held. In the evening we met the
US team, who arrived from Ohio specially for the meeting that Daryl
Snyder had invited. Together with some others involved in Albania,
prophetic impressions should be sought that can give direction. Some
prophetic fireworks were fired. It went in many directions, words for
more distant perspectives and those that might be of current importance
now. It is necessary to sort to filter out the actual next steps.
Furthermore, it is also always interesting to observe how everyone is
strongly defined by their service character. It is important to bring
these different “instruments” into a harmonious interplay in the
orchestra. For me, one focus of prophetic
impressions that could have immediate significance emerged:
forgiveness, and reconciliation among leaders. Laying down crowns and
esteeming others more highly so that the various gifts of service can be
orchestrated. The most important thing is to heal old wounds completely. Recognizing the next step is
very important and taking it. Even if distant prophecies sparked more
excitement, we won't get there without taking the first step.
The formation of heart
relationships among leaders is necessary. Relationships of purpose are
not enough. All the face-to-face meetings over the past few days have
contributed to that. Gentjan Dervishjan has invited
me to speak to about twenty leaders who are networked with him. As in
early December, the theme was: Walk worthily in your calling, with which
you were called before the foundation of the universe. (Ephesians 1:23 &
4:1) An unimaginable dimension that is in the "worthy" - which can also
be described as balance - with what God already sees as
accomplished and in which we can practically live. The next evening I was with a
young team of leaders in a church in Durrës, where I was able to
continue the topic from the beginning of December. It all came down to
that, by activating George Markakis, everyone ended up prophesying. On Saturday afternoon, I was
invited to a service in a poorer area north of Tirana. A nicely
converted garage was the meeting room but the roller shutter door stayed
open, so it was quite cold. There I strengthened the faith of the people
with Gal 2:16. A passage that is usually translated unfavorably. It
should read: "... Man is not justified by the works of the law, but only
by the faith of Christ; therefore we also believed in Christ Jesus, that
by his faith we might be justified." His faith is crucial to our faith.
He is a gift. As a reward, I got a raki. In the evening I was in the
Victoria Church in Tirana. I was there for the first time. So, I gave an
overview of the vision that I have received for Albania since 2019. It
was an excellent atmosphere there. In the end, 4 girls approached me and
wanted to know if they could ask me something. Sure, of course. You
soaked up the blessing with your questions, it was indescribable. These
girls were the highlight for me because they showed that this next
generation can really receive the new, the not yet known - where we old
people get too stuck in the familiar. At the Sunday service in
Gentjan's central church, I went into more detail about "walk worthy"
and that there is the option of walking unworthy. There is a possibility that
spiritual leaders could shoot themselves by disqualifying themselves
from the kingdom of God. A common reason for this in Albania is that
leaders speak badly of other leaders, even expressing unbridled feelings
of hatred. The word is absolutely clear – and nobody should play with it
lightly. There are several reasons the Word gives why a leader may be
unfit for the RG. This can affect great pastors who are well respected
in the world. But God is unperturbed by this. Even those who put their
hand to the plow and do not look forward, that is, to the "worthy", that
which was prepared from the beginning. (Luke 9:62) This is probably also the focus
of this prophetic call to conversion, forgiveness and reconciliation. It
is a process for some of the leaders to come into the "intended"
relationships, without position, as ministers to one another. Every
single face-to-face meeting this week has contributed to that.
encouraging - it's really powerful to see the light at the end of the
kënaqësi të madhe ju prezantojmë një libër me temën e
rëndësishme të "unitetit".
Titulli "Si funksionon uniteti?" Pastori Ali Kurti rekomandon që të mendoni seriozisht për këtë temë të kërkuar, e cila shkakton shumë keqkuptime.
Libri përpiqet të qartësojë se çfarë Jezusi kuptonte me unitetin. Ai nuk u morr me kaq shumë denominacione sa kemi ne sot. Prandaj këndvështrimi ynë mund të devijohet lehtësisht. Lutja tek Gjoni 17 shpesh është quajtur lutja për unitet.
Çuditërisht, Jezusi nuk po lutet për unitet këtu, por ai po lutet për tre gjëra bazë, në mënyrë që të mundësohet uniteti. Këto tri pika shihen në më shumë detaje në librin dhe në mesazhin e kësaj dite. Sepse nëse këto tre gjëra bazë nuk jepen, uniteti mbetet vetëm një dëshirë.
Për më tepër, uniteti nuk
është vetëm diçka e bukur. Uniteti
është një parakusht për trupin. Imagjinoni gjymtyrët e veçuar
të shtrirë e të shpërndarë për qark-në rastin më të mirë kjo
do të ishte një kufomë. Një shtëpi që nuk është në
unitet nuk mund të qëndrojë.
Prandaj uniteti nuk është një
opsion. Është pothuajse pyetja: është dikush apo një
denominacion “në” Krishtin?
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